A few things about me:
My husband Steve and I live in Tyringham, Massachusetts, a lovely rural village in the Berkshire Hills where I work with racial justice groups and volunteer in other community organizations. My new novel is based on a true case of injustice involving my great uncles who were tried for murder but hanged for their perceived “anarchistic tendencies” during the Red Scare of World War I. Here’s a letter to the editor of The New Yorker I wrote describing the case: The New Yorker, December 2, 2019.
What concerns me most today? Believing that our freedom cannot be taken for granted and that democracy, finally, is fragile. If history teaches us anything, it is that.

Hop Brook summer

Cobble trail

Tyringham Church

a brief biography
Award-winning author, Jean P. Moore, is a novelist, poet, and non-fiction writer. Her novel Tilda’s Promise won the Contemporary Novel 2019 New York City Big Book Award. Tilda’s Promise was also awarded an honorable mention in the 2019 Reader Views Literary Awards and was a finalist in the 2019 National Indie Excellence Awards. Her novel Water on the Moon, published in June 2014, was the winner of the 2015 Independent Publishers Book Award for contemporary fiction. Her work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, and literary journals. Her poetry chapbook, Time’s Tyranny, Finishing Line Press, published in October 2017, was nominated for The Massachusetts Book Award, 2018. Jean’s historical novel, Crossing from Shore to Shore (Running Wild Press, 2025), about the life and times of her great uncles, covers the years 1916-1919.